JULY 12, 2025
11 AM - 5 PM
Food & Promotional Booths
Promotional Booth - $600
Sell services like a home repair, remodeling, cable service, etc. Includes 10x10 booth space and promotional recognition with logo and link to website on Berkley Street Art Fest and Berkley Area Chamber websites and social media mention.
Booth Bundle - $1,100
Reserve a 10x10 booth for both Berkley Art Bash (June 8, 2024) and Berkley Street Art Fest (July 13, 2024) at a reduced price!
Food Trucks/Food Vendors - $125 ($100 for Chamber & DDA members)
The Berkley Street Art Fest reserves the right to accept or reject entries and remove items during the festival.
Food Truck/Food Vendor Application
Please note: The Berkley Street Art Fest Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any entries and remove items during the fair not meeting entry guidelines or represented slides/photos.